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Will Video Content Have Edge Over Textual Content?

No. Nada. Never!

Textual content is the cornerstone of content marketing and it won’t be an exaggeration to say that content marketing thrives on textual content. Later infograhic, videos, images and other graphical content became part of the content marketing lexicon.

However an inquisitive mind may doubt the merits of Content Writing when no content marketer is ready to run the risk of running marketing campaigns in absence of video content.

Let’s see few statistics.

When it comes to enticing visitors, videos fare better. Content consumers are more likely to share, comment or like the content if it is video.

  • A study reveals that 64% of digital marketers shown their keen interest to explore video marketing to step up engagement.
  • On an average, a consumer with Internet customers watches 206 videos per month.

Despite the conclusive evidences, it is too early to abandon textual content  as reading an article and watching a video requires different video functions. Let’s examine the fact-file of textual content.

  • A brand that creates customized content build trust with customers in a better way. 78% consumers agree to this.
  • At least 60% of marketers count on creating content at least once a day.
  • 93% of B2B marketers are into content marketing.

As a business owner, before choosing one over other, you need to understand the difference. Let’s understand these differences.

Internet Accessibility

With the advent of Internet, the world has become a global village and any information can be shared in a flick of a second but still a handful of countries have access to high speed Internet and in some countries the Internet speed is less than 1 MBPS so we can not measure every country by the same yardstick. And even though the Internet speed is slow textual content can be easily shared on the contrary it requires hight speed Internet to send and receive video files.

Behavioral Impact

A research reveals that consumers are strongly influenced by their past behaviors which means if a consumer land on a popular news site they are likely to read news through published text than shifting to video content. That being said, the decision to chose text over video and vice versa varies from person to person. The choices we make largely depends on the nature of information we are provided with, our state of mind at that time and of course our personality.

Nature of Business

You can never decide what will best suit your needs, textual content or video content without considering the nature of the business. Which of the methods will yield fruitful results? Certainly textual content will have an edge over the video content. A lot of research work support this.

Psychological Triggers

At it’s best a good content can psychologically trigger an emotion or set of emotions in an individual which is the role of content as described content marketers. We all are primarily ruled by three emotions – pain, fear and pleasure. The purchasing decisions always revolve around these three emotions.

The Solution

With evolving content marketing, your business marketing should evolve too. It is advisable to keep a healthy content type ratio in the marketing mix.  You can keep the business content 80% textual and split the remaining 20% between videos and other graphical presentations. It can bee safely concluded that textual content will never lose its prominence in favor of video content.